
  1. oldmanintheoldhousee

    Moneymaking I web-coder, doing sites, bots, and their copies. Looking for a job

    Hello, I'm a freelancer. I write excellent website copies, as well as unique websites and bots for telegramm. I will set up your server, redesign your existing sites or bots and more. I specialize in python, django, fastapi, Postgresql, mongoDB, nginx, linux etc. You can use my email to discuss...
  2. coder00228

    Hacking Best Coder | Web Development| Software - Small Price

    Hi, I am offering the services of an experienced coder. Services: - Writing from scratch websites and scripts. - Development of software and checkers, bots. - Development of backend frontend. - Finalization of projects of other coders. - Development of both white and "black" projects...
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