Your easiest option, granted that you're aware of how to circumvent browser fingerprinting, and have access to clean IPs (not cloud based IPs, but rather IPs allocated to residents -- such as Comcast, Cox, ATT, etc..), non-free email accounts (such as, etc.), and have a clean profile (name/address/ssn/dob) whose owner has not created a PayPal account, you can create a PayPal business account representing a real business, verify it by adding your drop bank account, and filling out all the needed business info (again, hijacked from the real business) and then you can send an email invoice through PayPal's business control panel to a fresh non-free email account. Once you do that, you create another fingerprint, use a different clean IP and click on that link in the invoice email and pay it as if you were a real client of the said business.
Once you pay that invoice, don't re-login to the business account for another 2-3 days, and then login, and withdraw to your verified bank account. This method, when followed, allows you to withdraw at least once before limiting your business account. Then rinse and repeat. Max transaction that I've tried successfully was $350 per invoice.
Good luck.