Chip required for InStore Transaction?


Aug 19, 2020
Reaction score
I just have a quick question that may be stupid but I just wanted to make sure I'm not purchasing useless dumps. I bought dumps with service code 201 thinking that using the chip was optional. What I mean by this is, when I would go to a POS I could just swipe the card and it'd work, but it doesn't, it says my sale was declined. The reason I ask this is because out of frustration, I went to Taco Bell to get food after my failed attempts to purchase any merchandise. I used the card, BOOM, it worked, their chip reader wasn't functional.

Sorry for the story, I wanted to provide background on what was happening. My question is: Should I attempt to put the information on a blank chip card and try again? Is not having the chip the reason why my transactions are being declined? I'm assuming that if I try with a chip it'll work because at Taco Bell it cleared because the chip reader was non-functional.

If you need any more information I will try my best to provide it, as always, any information is helpful. THANK YOU!

Garry Trent

Aug 21, 2020
Reaction score
I'm not an expert of real carding, but at the beginning I done some experiment. So take my words as not exhaustive.

With 201 the Chip is mandatory, so you have to find POS with no chip option or, as you find, With chi reader not working.

I remember a trick: you can rewrite the dump on a card with chip and damage the chip. After 3 attempt the POS Will ask for the magnetic strip.

I think the best way is to find a friend that have a POS and try some experiment.

Good look.
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