
Feb 2, 2021
Reaction score
Ok, so I decided to create this guide for people out there who are struggling to get carded goods shipped.
Too many people out there don't share info to people starting off that could be shared without hurting themselves or keeping their own methods fresh. So here goes:

What you need?

The most important thing is obviously the credit card. You can get these many places, but the quality of them will vary from where you buy them or how you get them.
Another thing you need is a proxy or way to hide your IP address.This is pretty basic for most. You need this to prevent people from tracing you. There are different types (VPN, SOCKS, RDP).
Last thing you need is a drop or place to ship the carded item. You can find this yourself or find someone you can trust to receive the package for you and ship to you or sell it for you.


There are shops and hackers, and of course the BITS dump and other non-private ways of getting cards.
The kind of card you want if you want to card anything of real resell value (Electronics, jewlery, etc) is a Live and Private card.This means that the card is valid and no other carder has used it besides you. Some shops are good, but others aren't. Same with Hackers.Hackers can get cards by Spamming or hacking db's. Hacked cards are better imo because spammed cards have a tendency to have incorrect billing information. Shop around and try not to get ripped[/REPLY]

Proxies/Hiding Your IP:

There are a few different types of Proxies or methods good for carding. My preference is the SOCKS5 Proxy.
It is an absolutely secure proxy that hides your DNS as well and many clients will allow you to conveniently choose a location you want your IP address to reflect, which is necessary to do if you want to card the most secure sites.
RDP's work good for people that are in smaller countries.
These allow you to control a remote computer, so you basically see the desktop of another computer and your IP is changed. And VPN's are secure for your IP, but easily detected by websites, so many sites won't let your card info go though if you're using a VPN.


A drop is somewhere that you can ship your goods to without being traced. You can make friends with a person working for a shipper and have them deliver all the goods you tell them to you. Or you can a house that no one is occupying if you're in a big city or town and have goods shipped there. Also, you can use PO boxes with fake names. There are many ways. Be creative, but don't ship to your house...directly

How to card:
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Feb 2, 2021
Reaction score
Ok, so I decided to create this guide for people out there who are struggling to get carded goods shipped.
Too many people out there don't share info to people starting off that could be shared without hurting themselves or keeping their own methods fresh. So here goes:

What you need?

The most important thing is obviously the credit card. You can get these many places, but the quality of them will vary from where you buy them or how you get them.
Another thing you need is a proxy or way to hide your IP address.This is pretty basic for most. You need this to prevent people from tracing you. There are different types (VPN, SOCKS, RDP).
Last thing you need is a drop or place to ship the carded item. You can find this yourself or find someone you can trust to receive the package for you and ship to you or sell it for you.


There are shops and hackers, and of course the BITS dump and other non-private ways of getting cards.
The kind of card you want if you want to card anything of real resell value (Electronics, jewlery, etc) is a Live and Private card.This means that the card is valid and no other carder has used it besides you. Some shops are good, but others aren't. Same with Hackers.Hackers can get cards by Spamming or hacking db's. Hacked cards are better imo because spammed cards have a tendency to have incorrect billing information. Shop around and try not to get ripped[/REPLY]

Proxies/Hiding Your IP:

There are a few different types of Proxies or methods good for carding. My preference is the SOCKS5 Proxy.
It is an absolutely secure proxy that hides your DNS as well and many clients will allow you to conveniently choose a location you want your IP address to reflect, which is necessary to do if you want to card the most secure sites.
RDP's work good for people that are in smaller countries.
These allow you to control a remote computer, so you basically see the desktop of another computer and your IP is changed. And VPN's are secure for your IP, but easily detected by websites, so many sites won't let your card info go though if you're using a VPN.


A drop is somewhere that you can ship your goods to without being traced. You can make friends with a person working for a shipper and have them deliver all the goods you tell them to you. Or you can a house that no one is occupying if you're in a big city or town and have goods shipped there. Also, you can use PO boxes with fake names. There are many ways. Be creative, but don't ship to your house...directly

How to card:
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thank you


Feb 4, 2021
Reaction score
Ok, so I decided to create this guide for people out there who are struggling to get carded goods shipped.
Too many people out there don't share info to people starting off that could be shared without hurting themselves or keeping their own methods fresh. So here goes:

What you need?

The most important thing is obviously the credit card. You can get these many places, but the quality of them will vary from where you buy them or how you get them.
Another thing you need is a proxy or way to hide your IP address.This is pretty basic for most. You need this to prevent people from tracing you. There are different types (VPN, SOCKS, RDP).
İhtiyacınız olan son şey, kartlı ürünü göndermek için bir damla veya yer. Bunu kendiniz bulabilir veya paketi sizin için alıp size göndermesi veya sizin için satması için güvenebileceğiniz birini bulabilirsiniz.


Dükkanlar ve bilgisayar korsanları ve elbette BITS dökümü ve kart almanın diğer özel olmayan yolları var.
Gerçek bir yeniden satış değeri olan herhangi bir şeyi (Elektronik, mücevher vb.) Kartlamak istiyorsanız, istediğiniz kart Canlı ve Özel bir karttır. Bu, kartın geçerli olduğu ve sizden başka hiçbir kartçının kullanmadığı anlamına gelir. Bazı dükkanlar iyi, bazıları değil. Hacker'lar ile aynı: Hackerlar, spam göndererek veya db'leri hackleyerek kart alabilir. Saldırıya uğramış kartlar daha iyi bir imo çünkü istenmeyen kartlar yanlış fatura bilgilerine sahip olma eğilimindedir. Etrafta dolaşın ve yırtılmamaya çalışın [/ REPLY]

Proxy'ler / IP Adresinizi Gizleme:

Birkaç farklı Proxy türü veya tarama için uygun yöntemler vardır. Tercihim SOCKS5 Proxy'dir.
Bu, DNS'inizi de gizleyen kesinlikle güvenli bir proxy'dir ve birçok istemci, IP adresinizin yansıtmasını istediğiniz konumu rahatça seçmenize olanak tanır; bu, en güvenli siteleri kartlamak istiyorsanız yapmanız gerekir.
RDP, küçük ülkelerdeki insanlar için iyi çalışıyor.
Bunlar uzaktaki bir bilgisayarı kontrol etmenize izin verir, böylece temelde başka bir bilgisayarın masaüstünü görürsünüz ve IP'niz değişir. Ve VPN'ler IP'niz için güvenlidir, ancak web siteleri tarafından kolayca algılanır, bu nedenle bir VPN kullanıyorsanız birçok site kart bilgilerinizin gitmesine izin vermez.


Bir damla, mallarınızı izlenmeden gönderebileceğiniz bir yerdir. Bir gönderici için çalışan biriyle arkadaş olabilir ve onlara anlattığınız tüm malları size teslim etmesini sağlayabilirsiniz. Ya da büyük bir şehir veya kasabadaysanız ve oraya mal gönderilmişse kimsenin işgal etmediği bir ev yapabilirsiniz. Ayrıca sahte adlarla posta kutularını da kullanabilirsiniz. Birçok yolu var. Yaratıcı olun, ancak evinize göndermeyin ... doğrudan

Kart nasıl yapılır:
*** Gizli metin: alıntı yapılamaz. ***
thank you


Dec 5, 2020
Reaction score
Ok, so I decided to create this guide for people out there who are struggling to get carded goods shipped.
Too many people out there don't share info to people starting off that could be shared without hurting themselves or keeping their own methods fresh. So here goes:

What you need?

The most important thing is obviously the credit card. You can get these many places, but the quality of them will vary from where you buy them or how you get them.
Another thing you need is a proxy or way to hide your IP address.This is pretty basic for most. You need this to prevent people from tracing you. There are different types (VPN, SOCKS, RDP).
Last thing you need is a drop or place to ship the carded item. You can find this yourself or find someone you can trust to receive the package for you and ship to you or sell it for you.


There are shops and hackers, and of course the BITS dump and other non-private ways of getting cards.
The kind of card you want if you want to card anything of real resell value (Electronics, jewlery, etc) is a Live and Private card.This means that the card is valid and no other carder has used it besides you. Some shops are good, but others aren't. Same with Hackers.Hackers can get cards by Spamming or hacking db's. Hacked cards are better imo because spammed cards have a tendency to have incorrect billing information. Shop around and try not to get ripped[/REPLY]

Proxies/Hiding Your IP:

There are a few different types of Proxies or methods good for carding. My preference is the SOCKS5 Proxy.
It is an absolutely secure proxy that hides your DNS as well and many clients will allow you to conveniently choose a location you want your IP address to reflect, which is necessary to do if you want to card the most secure sites.
RDP's work good for people that are in smaller countries.
These allow you to control a remote computer, so you basically see the desktop of another computer and your IP is changed. And VPN's are secure for your IP, but easily detected by websites, so many sites won't let your card info go though if you're using a VPN.


A drop is somewhere that you can ship your goods to without being traced. You can make friends with a person working for a shipper and have them deliver all the goods you tell them to you. Or you can a house that no one is occupying if you're in a big city or town and have goods shipped there. Also, you can use PO boxes with fake names. There are many ways. Be creative, but don't ship to your house...directly

How to card:
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Feb 8, 2021
Reaction score
Ok, so I decided to create this guide for people out there who are struggling to get carded goods shipped.
Too many people out there don't share info to people starting off that could be shared without hurting themselves or keeping their own methods fresh. So here goes:

What you need?

The most important thing is obviously the credit card. You can get these many places, but the quality of them will vary from where you buy them or how you get them.
Another thing you need is a proxy or way to hide your IP address.This is pretty basic for most. You need this to prevent people from tracing you. There are different types (VPN, SOCKS, RDP).
Last thing you need is a drop or place to ship the carded item. You can find this yourself or find someone you can trust to receive the package for you and ship to you or sell it for you.


There are shops and hackers, and of course the BITS dump and other non-private ways of getting cards.
The kind of card you want if you want to card anything of real resell value (Electronics, jewlery, etc) is a Live and Private card.This means that the card is valid and no other carder has used it besides you. Some shops are good, but others aren't. Same with Hackers.Hackers can get cards by Spamming or hacking db's. Hacked cards are better imo because spammed cards have a tendency to have incorrect billing information. Shop around and try not to get ripped[/REPLY]

Proxies/Hiding Your IP:

There are a few different types of Proxies or methods good for carding. My preference is the SOCKS5 Proxy.
It is an absolutely secure proxy that hides your DNS as well and many clients will allow you to conveniently choose a location you want your IP address to reflect, which is necessary to do if you want to card the most secure sites.
RDP's work good for people that are in smaller countries.
These allow you to control a remote computer, so you basically see the desktop of another computer and your IP is changed. And VPN's are secure for your IP, but easily detected by websites, so many sites won't let your card info go though if you're using a VPN.


A drop is somewhere that you can ship your goods to without being traced. You can make friends with a person working for a shipper and have them deliver all the goods you tell them to you. Or you can a house that no one is occupying if you're in a big city or town and have goods shipped there. Also, you can use PO boxes with fake names. There are many ways. Be creative, but don't ship to your house...directly

How to card:
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Feb 12, 2021
Reaction score
Ok, so I decided to create this guide for people out there who are struggling to get carded goods shipped.
Too many people out there don't share info to people starting off that could be shared without hurting themselves or keeping their own methods fresh. So here goes:

What you need?

The most important thing is obviously the credit card. You can get these many places, but the quality of them will vary from where you buy them or how you get them.
Another thing you need is a proxy or way to hide your IP address.This is pretty basic for most. You need this to prevent people from tracing you. There are different types (VPN, SOCKS, RDP).
Last thing you need is a drop or place to ship the carded item. You can find this yourself or find someone you can trust to receive the package for you and ship to you or sell it for you.


There are shops and hackers, and of course the BITS dump and other non-private ways of getting cards.
The kind of card you want if you want to card anything of real resell value (Electronics, jewlery, etc) is a Live and Private card.This means that the card is valid and no other carder has used it besides you. Some shops are good, but others aren't. Same with Hackers.Hackers can get cards by Spamming or hacking db's. Hacked cards are better imo because spammed cards have a tendency to have incorrect billing information. Shop around and try not to get ripped[/REPLY]

Proxies/Hiding Your IP:

There are a few different types of Proxies or methods good for carding. My preference is the SOCKS5 Proxy.
It is an absolutely secure proxy that hides your DNS as well and many clients will allow you to conveniently choose a location you want your IP address to reflect, which is necessary to do if you want to card the most secure sites.
RDP's work good for people that are in smaller countries.
These allow you to control a remote computer, so you basically see the desktop of another computer and your IP is changed. And VPN's are secure for your IP, but easily detected by websites, so many sites won't let your card info go though if you're using a VPN.


A drop is somewhere that you can ship your goods to without being traced. You can make friends with a person working for a shipper and have them deliver all the goods you tell them to you. Or you can a house that no one is occupying if you're in a big city or town and have goods shipped there. Also, you can use PO boxes with fake names. There are many ways. Be creative, but don't ship to your house...directly

How to card:
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Jul 4, 2020
Reaction score
Ok, so I decided to create this guide for people out there who are struggling to get carded goods shipped.
Too many people out there don't share info to people starting off that could be shared without hurting themselves or keeping their own methods fresh. So here goes:

What you need?

The most important thing is obviously the credit card. You can get these many places, but the quality of them will vary from where you buy them or how you get them.
Another thing you need is a proxy or way to hide your IP address.This is pretty basic for most. You need this to prevent people from tracing you. There are different types (VPN, SOCKS, RDP).
Last thing you need is a drop or place to ship the carded item. You can find this yourself or find someone you can trust to receive the package for you and ship to you or sell it for you.


There are shops and hackers, and of course the BITS dump and other non-private ways of getting cards.
The kind of card you want if you want to card anything of real resell value (Electronics, jewlery, etc) is a Live and Private card.This means that the card is valid and no other carder has used it besides you. Some shops are good, but others aren't. Same with Hackers.Hackers can get cards by Spamming or hacking db's. Hacked cards are better imo because spammed cards have a tendency to have incorrect billing information. Shop around and try not to get ripped[/REPLY]

Proxies/Hiding Your IP:

There are a few different types of Proxies or methods good for carding. My preference is the SOCKS5 Proxy.
It is an absolutely secure proxy that hides your DNS as well and many clients will allow you to conveniently choose a location you want your IP address to reflect, which is necessary to do if you want to card the most secure sites.
RDP's work good for people that are in smaller countries.
These allow you to control a remote computer, so you basically see the desktop of another computer and your IP is changed. And VPN's are secure for your IP, but easily detected by websites, so many sites won't let your card info go though if you're using a VPN.


A drop is somewhere that you can ship your goods to without being traced. You can make friends with a person working for a shipper and have them deliver all the goods you tell them to you. Or you can a house that no one is occupying if you're in a big city or town and have goods shipped there. Also, you can use PO boxes with fake names. There are many ways. Be creative, but don't ship to your house...directly

How to card:
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Apr 5, 2021
Reaction score
Ok, so I decided to create this guide for people out there who are struggling to get carded goods shipped.
Too many people out there don't share info to people starting off that could be shared without hurting themselves or keeping their own methods fresh. So here goes:

What you need?

The most important thing is obviously the credit card. You can get these many places, but the quality of them will vary from where you buy them or how you get them.
Another thing you need is a proxy or way to hide your IP address.This is pretty basic for most. You need this to prevent people from tracing you. There are different types (VPN, SOCKS, RDP).
Last thing you need is a drop or place to ship the carded item. You can find this yourself or find someone you can trust to receive the package for you and ship to you or sell it for you.


There are shops and hackers, and of course the BITS dump and other non-private ways of getting cards.
The kind of card you want if you want to card anything of real resell value (Electronics, jewlery, etc) is a Live and Private card.This means that the card is valid and no other carder has used it besides you. Some shops are good, but others aren't. Same with Hackers.Hackers can get cards by Spamming or hacking db's. Hacked cards are better imo because spammed cards have a tendency to have incorrect billing information. Shop around and try not to get ripped[/REPLY]

Proxies/Hiding Your IP:

There are a few different types of Proxies or methods good for carding. My preference is the SOCKS5 Proxy.
It is an absolutely secure proxy that hides your DNS as well and many clients will allow you to conveniently choose a location you want your IP address to reflect, which is necessary to do if you want to card the most secure sites.
RDP's work good for people that are in smaller countries.
These allow you to control a remote computer, so you basically see the desktop of another computer and your IP is changed. And VPN's are secure for your IP, but easily detected by websites, so many sites won't let your card info go though if you're using a VPN.


A drop is somewhere that you can ship your goods to without being traced. You can make friends with a person working for a shipper and have them deliver all the goods you tell them to you. Or you can a house that no one is occupying if you're in a big city or town and have goods shipped there. Also, you can use PO boxes with fake names. There are many ways. Be creative, but don't ship to your house...directly

How to card:
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Apr 6, 2021
Reaction score
Ok, so I decided to create this guide for people out there who are struggling to get carded goods shipped.
Too many people out there don't share info to people starting off that could be shared without hurting themselves or keeping their own methods fresh. So here goes:

What you need?

The most important thing is obviously the credit card. You can get these many places, but the quality of them will vary from where you buy them or how you get them.
Another thing you need is a proxy or way to hide your IP address.This is pretty basic for most. You need this to prevent people from tracing you. There are different types (VPN, SOCKS, RDP).
Last thing you need is a drop or place to ship the carded item. You can find this yourself or find someone you can trust to receive the package for you and ship to you or sell it for you.


There are shops and hackers, and of course the BITS dump and other non-private ways of getting cards.
The kind of card you want if you want to card anything of real resell value (Electronics, jewlery, etc) is a Live and Private card.This means that the card is valid and no other carder has used it besides you. Some shops are good, but others aren't. Same with Hackers.Hackers can get cards by Spamming or hacking db's. Hacked cards are better imo because spammed cards have a tendency to have incorrect billing information. Shop around and try not to get ripped[/REPLY]

Proxies/Hiding Your IP:

There are a few different types of Proxies or methods good for carding. My preference is the SOCKS5 Proxy.
It is an absolutely secure proxy that hides your DNS as well and many clients will allow you to conveniently choose a location you want your IP address to reflect, which is necessary to do if you want to card the most secure sites.
RDP's work good for people that are in smaller countries.
These allow you to control a remote computer, so you basically see the desktop of another computer and your IP is changed. And VPN's are secure for your IP, but easily detected by websites, so many sites won't let your card info go though if you're using a VPN.


A drop is somewhere that you can ship your goods to without being traced. You can make friends with a person working for a shipper and have them deliver all the goods you tell them to you. Or you can a house that no one is occupying if you're in a big city or town and have goods shipped there. Also, you can use PO boxes with fake names. There are many ways. Be creative, but don't ship to your house...directly

How to card:
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I hope all of the new Carders who keep asking me why their orders aren’t shipping and accusing me of selling them burnt cards read this


Apr 7, 2021
Reaction score
Ok, so I decided to create this guide for people out there who are struggling to get carded goods shipped.
Too many people out there don't share info to people starting off that could be shared without hurting themselves or keeping their own methods fresh. So here goes:

What you need?

The most important thing is obviously the credit card. You can get these many places, but the quality of them will vary from where you buy them or how you get them.
Another thing you need is a proxy or way to hide your IP address.This is pretty basic for most. You need this to prevent people from tracing you. There are different types (VPN, SOCKS, RDP).
Last thing you need is a drop or place to ship the carded item. You can find this yourself or find someone you can trust to receive the package for you and ship to you or sell it for you.


There are shops and hackers, and of course the BITS dump and other non-private ways of getting cards.
The kind of card you want if you want to card anything of real resell value (Electronics, jewlery, etc) is a Live and Private card.This means that the card is valid and no other carder has used it besides you. Some shops are good, but others aren't. Same with Hackers.Hackers can get cards by Spamming or hacking db's. Hacked cards are better imo because spammed cards have a tendency to have incorrect billing information. Shop around and try not to get ripped[/REPLY]

Proxies/Hiding Your IP:

There are a few different types of Proxies or methods good for carding. My preference is the SOCKS5 Proxy.
It is an absolutely secure proxy that hides your DNS as well and many clients will allow you to conveniently choose a location you want your IP address to reflect, which is necessary to do if you want to card the most secure sites.
RDP's work good for people that are in smaller countries.
These allow you to control a remote computer, so you basically see the desktop of another computer and your IP is changed. And VPN's are secure for your IP, but easily detected by websites, so many sites won't let your card info go though if you're using a VPN.


A drop is somewhere that you can ship your goods to without being traced. You can make friends with a person working for a shipper and have them deliver all the goods you tell them to you. Or you can a house that no one is occupying if you're in a big city or town and have goods shipped there. Also, you can use PO boxes with fake names. There are many ways. Be creative, but don't ship to your house...directly

How to card:
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Dec 21, 2020
Reaction score
Ok, so I decided to create this guide for people out there who are struggling to get carded goods shipped.
Too many people out there don't share info to people starting off that could be shared without hurting themselves or keeping their own methods fresh. So here goes:

What you need?

The most important thing is obviously the credit card. You can get these many places, but the quality of them will vary from where you buy them or how you get them.
Another thing you need is a proxy or way to hide your IP address.This is pretty basic for most. You need this to prevent people from tracing you. There are different types (VPN, SOCKS, RDP).
Last thing you need is a drop or place to ship the carded item. You can find this yourself or find someone you can trust to receive the package for you and ship to you or sell it for you.


There are shops and hackers, and of course the BITS dump and other non-private ways of getting cards.
The kind of card you want if you want to card anything of real resell value (Electronics, jewlery, etc) is a Live and Private card.This means that the card is valid and no other carder has used it besides you. Some shops are good, but others aren't. Same with Hackers.Hackers can get cards by Spamming or hacking db's. Hacked cards are better imo because spammed cards have a tendency to have incorrect billing information. Shop around and try not to get ripped[/REPLY]

Proxies/Hiding Your IP:

There are a few different types of Proxies or methods good for carding. My preference is the SOCKS5 Proxy.
It is an absolutely secure proxy that hides your DNS as well and many clients will allow you to conveniently choose a location you want your IP address to reflect, which is necessary to do if you want to card the most secure sites.
RDP's work good for people that are in smaller countries.
These allow you to control a remote computer, so you basically see the desktop of another computer and your IP is changed. And VPN's are secure for your IP, but easily detected by websites, so many sites won't let your card info go though if you're using a VPN.


A drop is somewhere that you can ship your goods to without being traced. You can make friends with a person working for a shipper and have them deliver all the goods you tell them to you. Or you can a house that no one is occupying if you're in a big city or town and have goods shipped there. Also, you can use PO boxes with fake names. There are many ways. Be creative, but don't ship to your house...directly

How to card:
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